Friday, 9 November 2012

Taste of Digbeth

This image was taken in city centre just outside the Bullring in Digbeth; I used a Nikon coolpix P100. Bit depth is 24 and the width of this image is 1600 pixels. Focal length 5mm and the F number I used is F/5. The exposure time is 1/60seconds. I really like this image because it fills the frame and it was a close up image of the flowers. I also really like the colours and the angle it is taken from. A lot of people like this image and the colours they also said it is very pretty. I would not edit this image because the colours are already bright and stand out. 

Taste of digbeth

This image was taken in the Custard factory in Digbeth  I used a Nikon COOLPIX P100. Bit depth is 24 and the width of this image is 1600 pixels. Focal length 5mm and the F number I used is F/5. The exposure time is 1/60seconds. I like the reflection of the building and the waves in the image. The angle it is taken from is a good angle and the zoom. When I asked people they said they like how the buildings are reflected in the water and the angle it is taken from. I probably would edit this image because it will lose the effect of the image for example the reflection of the building. On the other hand if I was too I would brighten it up because it looks a little dull and I would bring the image out to stand out more. I learnt that you could do a lot if you used a water theme because of the effect. 

Taste of Digbeth

This image was taken in the Custard factory in Digbeth  I used a Nikon COOLPIX P100. Bit depth is 24 and the width of this image is 1600 pixels. Focal length 5mm and the F number I used is F/5. The exposure time is 1/60seconds. I like this image because of the angle it is taken from and the bubble effects that was taken. This was one of my first pictures I took when I started the course and I enjoyed this experience. I quite like the water effect, when i asked people about the image they really liked it and though the same as me. Many people liked the water effect and the bubbles. I thought I would do a water theme to see how it would turn out. If I was to edited this image in Photoshop I would brighten the image and make it stand out a bit more. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Taste of Digbeth

This image was taken in the Custard Factory next to my college.  The exposure time 1/60sec, and the F number I used was F/5. I like this picture because the lighting is good and the surroundings, what I also like about it is how the circle window at the top is made, and how the plant is underneath. The camera I used was a Nikon COOLPIX P100. Focal length used is 5mm and the bit depth is 24. I like how it is in focus and the angle it is taken from. When I asked others they said it was a lovely picture and they like how the lighting from the top comes in and how the plant is in the middle. If I was to edit it I would add a bit of contrast and a bit more brightness to it. It is a nice location and many offices are inside this building. 

Taste of Digbeth

This image is of my college which I took for inspiration, I chose this image because it’s the place I learn in and hopefully achieve something after this year. The bit depth is used is 24 with a Canon E0S 500D camera. The shutter speed I used was 1/256sec and the lens aperture is F/9.1. I don’t think this image was in focus much so it looks quite blurry. The focal length is 49mm and the F number I used is F/9. What I like about this image is the tree on the side and how I captured it. When I asked others they said they liked the tree and what angle the image was taken from. The exposure time was 1/250sec. If I decide to edit this image I would bring the colours out and brighten it up to make it look more attractive.   The other thing I would do is make it stand out. 

Taste of Digbeth

For this image I used a Canon E0S 500D camera. This image is of the Bullring centre in Digbeth. The shutter speed setting for this image is 1/32sec and the Lens aperture is F/36.4. This image is very dull and grey and doesn't stand out much. Bit depth is 24 and for the F number I used F/36. Focal length is 55mm  The Bullring centre is a shopping centre where many people shop, by looking at this image it doesn't really look like it’s very popular. I took this image because many tourists come to Birmingham and visit the Bullring shopping centre. I didn't use flash when I captured this image. When I showed this image to others they liked it and said it was a nice view of this Bullring centre. I'm hoping to edit this image to bring it out and brighten it up a bit more to make it look attractive. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Cambodia 1979 

Black and white image, mass murder in 1979. Humans killed and skulls are well organized, it is a very old image. 25% of population were killed mostly families.